My Blog: https://deepthoughtfourtytwo.blogspot.com

I first found the class while looking through the catalog of courses. I work as a developer at Acxiom and wanted to take courses relevant to my career. I've been a freelance web designer for a while but my degree is a Bachelor of Applied Science with a minor in Information Technology. I worked my best to tailor my degree to things that are relevant and this class fits that goal.


  • As artificial intelligence becomes widespread in everything from medical diagnoses to financial predictions and weaves its way into our daily lives it's important that we understand the impact this will have on our species. I chose this article because it highlights some predictions about AI as delving into how AI is already integrated into our lives.
  • Prosthetic limbs and human-machine interfaces, in general, fascinate me, this article does an interesting job of covering the history of prosthetics as well as looking to the future. The article talks about how newer prosthetics can be controlled by the brain and the advancement in this type of prosthetic as it integrates more with our neurological functions. They also talk about incorporating skin, be it artificial or lab-grown which would be a drastic advancement in the technology. We've seen an unfortunate renaissance in this field as our never-ending war in the middle east rages on and more military members sustain damage. This unfortunate situation has spurred invocation. 
  • I picked this source because environmental/climate change is a hot button topic in today's society and everyone should have a good source of facts and place to see all advancements being made in this area. I'm not super familiar with this site but I found some of the articles interesting and t covered a wide range of topics to include emerging technologies. 


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