Impacts of Immerging Machine Learning/AI Tech

I. - Individual Impacts.

Machine learning/ai could have many potential future impacts on us as individuals. Impacts from this emerging technology are already being felt by most people in there everyday lives through the use of digital personal assistants like SERI, Alexa, Google, and others as well as self-driving car technology and drones. It's hard to think through the potential impacts on the individual level because the technology can be used in such an abstract way and weave through our everyday life without us even knowing.

Some of the ways we use this tech on the day to day without much thought are through face identification on Facebook, Instagram, google image search, and others. Bots in social media recognize patterns in speech and provide tailored responses or generate responses based on a post. Handpicked advertisements based on search history, speech, and previous purchases are delivered by AI or machine learning algorithms to our smartphones, TVs, and browsers continually.

As this tech advances, there are def things to consider on the individual level.
  1. Privacy
    1. As the technology gets better at identifying people on the individual within the anonymous sphear and correlating with PII information our privacy will steadily decrease unless we take action to prevent it. 
    2. The more information gathered and stored in cloud computing makes it more accessible to individuals and groups that could/would use it to do harm. 
  2. Security
    1. The more information being collected by these means combined with more companies implementing machine learning/AI solution into their day to day operations make it increasingly more difficult to secure the data.
    2. Although companies try to standardize security protocols it's not always done to accurately or effectively.
    3. As AI advances so to must out security for information.
  3. Quality
    1. ML/AI can increase the quality and accuracy of the data collected creating relevant content for us as individuals.
    2. As the tech progresses within the medical field it could potentially assist doctors with diagnosis and treatment based on history and habit directly increasing our quality of life.

II. - Organizational Impacts.

Machine learning/ai (ML/AI) could have many potential future impacts on organizations. I think continuing to increase the accuracy of these technologies is going to have the biggest impact on the organizational level. The more accurate the data is gathered the less waist when advertising to or developing products for the market. 

As this tech advances, there are def things to consider org level.
  1. Privacy
    1. From an organization standpoint, privacy for the individual does not seem to be a concern. The more data that can be collected and accurately attributed to an individual directly corresponds to the bottom line of data brokerage companies. 
    2. Privacy from within the company can be a concern and the development of AI that can penetrate and correlate potential data a company holds can limit the privacy an org is able to provide. 
  2. Security
    1. This is a difficult one to think through in relation to ML/AI and organizations. From a military org standpoint ML/AI will become better at predicting pattern-of-life and predictive analysis of individuals and targets potentially having a direct impact on collateral damage from strikes by drones. As the tech becomes better we can remove the human error from the equation potentially saving lives. On the flip side, adversaries can use this to better identify targets of significance on our side as well, making an attack against us more effective. 
    2. I guess the same could be extrapolated to competition between business as well. ML/AI can help to identify potential markest and help produce products tailored to those markets. 
  3. Quality
    1. I think the biggest quality impact this can have for organizations is the accurate identification of relevant information regardless of industry.

III. - Societal Impacts.

The greatest impact (at least in my opinion) from the advancing machine learning/AI(ML/AI) technologies will be felt on the societal level. As more and more of our information makes its way into the digital same the anonymity we will have and are control over how that data is being used will waiver unless we confront this. 

As this tech advances, there are def things to consider societal level.
  1. Privacy/Security/Negatives
    1. What privacy? It might sound very Orwellian but as this tech gets integrated into our everyday lives in the name of security the less privacy/freedoms we will have as a society. That's not to say that there are not HUGE benefits as well but we need to weigh ML/AI integration against our privacy concerns.
    2. Some things to potentially watch out for in the future could be:
      1. Pattern-of-life analysis for cultural and religious groups.
      2. Crime predictions, and manipulation of those groups.
      3. Political manipulation.
      4. Relying too heavily on technology.
    3. Another big concern might be broad generalization made towards large groups of people based on the analysis of ML/AI tech without getting to understand what makes a group tick. 
  2. Positives
    1. I can think of some huge positives that might come about with this tech for society. 
      1. The reduction/elimination of traffic congestion.
      2. Access to an ever-expanding sphere of information encompassing any topic.
      3. Advancement of space flight (or flight) because ML/AI can learn and adapt in realtime to changing conditions and threats faster than humans
      4. Better predictive modeling in the medical field.
      5. Increased quality of life through organization and a better understanding of how societies function. 


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