Future? What Future!?

1: Cones of Uncertainty

I'm going to look at the cones of uncertainty through the lens of my project. What is the future of artificial intelligence(AI)/machine learning(ML) in a year?


AI used for marketing, digital assistants, market prediction, game NPC, and autonomous vehicles.


  • Pandemics
  • Social Distancing
  • Processing Power
  • Data Sets/Truth Files
  • Need
  • Laws

1 Year Predictions:

  • Autonomous Military Drones
  • More Autonomous Vehicles
  • Better/Intrusive AI for Digital Assistants
  • Larger Data Set for Market Predictions
  • Disease Predictions and Diagnosis
  • Drone Delivery

2: Where's my project at:


I've built a base project structure and made my initial commit to Githuib. I've also built out a Trello board to track my progress and structure my project sprints. Both of those links are listed below as well.


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