1) How can TRIZ help me improve my AI? I'm going to run my "Deep Thought" 42 AI through TRIZ to find out.

A - The Improvements:

  1. Adaptability or Versatility
    • Conflict - Device Complexity
      • Solution - Dynamics. Make the process more adaptive/flexible. This should be inherited to AI but programming something to not be rigid can be difficult. 
  2. Ease of Operation
    • Conflict - Loss of Information
      • Solution - Preliminary Action. Make sure that my truth files and everything is in order and working. Adjust the information as needed. 
  3. Device Complexity
    • Conflict - Extent of Automation
      • Solution - Dynamics. Adjust the code so it functions as expected while allowing it to still sort by way of AI and machine learning.

B - Branching

There are many ways an AI can branch, we are starting to see in our everyday lives already. We have AI for vehicle automation, assistants, directions, and marketing, this is just the tip of the iceberg. AI has the potential to replace doctors for diagnostics work, serve up information online, track and identify individuals through anonymous data across the globe, and many many more. It's hard to fathom the impact and area this technology can impact.

2) What's the state of my project?

Last week I got my git repo setup and a Trello board started for my project. the git repo will house my code and provide source control in the event I need to roll back my project and start a sprint over. The Trello board is a tool used to help guide my project and keep me on task so I can maintain a schedule and quality work. This week has been research-heavy, trying to get my stuff in order and understanding how to best build my project. I didn't have a lot of traction on the development side this week.

 I'm starting to realize the complexity of my project, trying to step back and take a high-level view of what I need to accomplish. I still believe it's a very doable project and still have my backup paper if I need to. Overall my level of understanding is increasing with every article I read and forum I engage with. Some of the resources I've been using are:

I will continue to post links to my git repo and Trello board for easy access to my project from week to week, even when its a slow build week.


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