
Tech and the future...and a little about the past.

Your name: Daniel J. Condit

1. For the technological topic of your choice, say what it is, give a present-day impact on individuals, and your opinion about whether it is good, bad, or whatever you think.

  • My presentation topic is machine learning and artificial intelligence. The impact of these technologies can be seen in everything we do from search algorithms, digital assistance, marketing to drones and smart cars. The technology in itself is neither good or bad but has the potential to be used for evil or can help humankind greatly. I’m a glass half full kinda guy so I think, after some growing pains and legislation it will be a great thing.

2. For the technological topic of 1 above, give five more present-day impacts on individuals. One of the five should relate to your career path. For each, give a good reason why the impact exists.

  • Data Analytics. The ability to better identify people and relations. (I work in big data as a dev)
  • Military targets and tactics. This could influence how we fight wars and complete objectives. (In the Air National Guard)
  • A decrease in vehicle-related death and injury. The tech can help Id traffic patterns and habits to make roads safer.
  • AI-controlled commercial flights. This could help with flight safety by removing human error and increasing flight efficiency.
  • Better facial recognition for law enforcement. This is a double-edged sword that could/will have impacts on freedom as we know it.

3. For each of the 6 impacts of questions 1 and 2, extend to past impacts and one possible future impact. Conciseness is acceptable...no need to write a book about this.

  • Digital assistants have been around for a while, helping with schedules, etc. A future impact will be it becoming indistinguishable from a real person, seamlessly being able to make and drop appointments as well as giving feedback.
  • A past impact would be entity resolution, being able to identify people across devices. A future impact could be Seamless tracking across multiple devices with predictive analysis (Better at this stuff of course)
  • AI is being incorporated into the military at a pretty steady pace, it's being used for target and data analysis. A future impact could be autonomous drones and enemy p[redictions and target execution with less loss of civilian life.
  • AI is being used to predict traffic patterns to help engineers design better roads. A future impact is this being added to vehicles with controls to predict user driving habits to help them drive safer.
  • A past impact for the commercial flight was autopilot. A future impact would be to remove the pilot all together allowing the AI to handle the flight from takeoff to landing.
  • Facial recognition has already made a slash, good and bad, helping law enforcement and governments to track criminals and citizens alike. With the refinement of this tech the possibilities are pretty outstanding and could help our society in unseen ways while also having the potential to strip us of our freedoms as we know it.

4. For each of the 6 impacts, give a second alternative possible future impact on individuals.

  • AI-powered leadership at companies.
  • Predictive shopping, stuff shows up at your door before you know you wanted it.
  • Fewer troops in the line of fire. Potential hacking and use by enemy forces, or influenced AI that behaves irregularly. 
  • No need to drive at all. Steering Wheel removed from vehicles and you order them like an uber.
  • Personal aircraft called to home like taxi/rideshare.
  • Complete and total loss of anonymity.

5. For the technological topic of your choice, give a present-day impact on an organization, such as business, government or others, and your opinion.

  • For my second topic, I want to discuss Virtual and augmented reality. This is a space organization can still take advantage of. The biggest impact to date has been for entertainment companies, specifically gaming. It opened up a whole new market/genre not just as a stream of revenue for the company but medium for developers and artists.

6. Give 5 more present-day impacts on organizations. Of these 5 and the 1 you just discussed above, at least one impact should relate to business, one to government, and one to some other type of organization. For each of the 5, give at least one good reason.

  • The military uses AR to help the warfighter/planner see the battlespace before ever stepping foot in it.
  • Medical professionals use AR to help assist with surgery and help inform patients.
  • Automobile industries use AI as navigational aids in vehicles.
  • AR is developed as instructional aids for schools.
  • Music industry using holograms of deceased artists during performances.

7. For each of the 6 impacts of questions 5 and 6, extend to past impacts and one possible future impact. Conciseness is acceptable...no need to write a book about this.

  • Complete VR immersion with body tracking and sensory input allowing us to escape reality in a completely real way through gaming.
  • VR built off intelligence could help the warfighter walk the battlefield giving him even greater situational awareness than just AR, Helping the military achieve objectives.
  • Training and teaching are completely immersive VR hospitals with AI patients allow doctors in training to get a “real world” experience before ever stepping foot in their residency.
  • A future impact could be VR/AR test drives of vehicles from the comfort of your home.
  • VR classrooms!
  • Complete and total VR/AI generated bands and concerts.

8. For each of the 6 impacts, give a second alternative possible future impact on organizations.

  • Games become used as a class system and people spend more time in VR than in actual real life. This would be a good thing for the gaming industry but bad for people.
  • Wars could be fought entirely in VR like a big virtual reality chess game.
  • VR with the ability to scan your entire body and issues into VR allowing for virtual doctors to visit that have real-time information of your physical body.
  • The auto industry is impacted because VR is so advanced we don't need to go anywhere.
  • An entire industry springs up around individuals paying others to boot in and take virtual classes in their place.
  • This industry becomes obsolete due to VR and AI.

9. For the technological topic of your choice, give a present-day impact on society, and your opinion.

  • I think a technology that could have an incredible impact on society is anti-aging tech. This wouldn't allow people to live forever but get more quality out of their life while they have it. We could all remain 25, 30, 50 years old or whatever age we choose our clocks would still expire but we could “enjoy” every minute. I think this could have a very positive impact on our species as a whole and remove at least one bias from the equation. Obviously, we are not at that level and I don't think the vein approaches such as we have today have a positive impact.

10. Give 5 more present-day impacts on society. For each of the 5, give at least one good reason.

  • Huge industry based around plastic surgery, makeup, lotions
  • People suffering from mental disorders and breaks because they feel too much pressure to remain young. Instagram models and such are some good examples.
  • Blackmarket medical centers that are more likely to leave without your organs than actually give you a successful surgery.
  • Home remedies, magic and superstition, and essential oils.
  • Fashion and entertainment industries built around youth and staying young. We are constantly bombarded with commercials on the next trends and youth.

11. For each of the 6 impacts of questions 9 and 10, extend to past impacts and one possible future impact on society. Conciseness is acceptable...no need to write a book about this.

  • Past - all the beauty products, lotions, cream, tonics, etc that have been sold over time. Future - Medical industry youth for those who want it.
  • Past - the spawn of the makeup industry. Future - The evolution of that industry with more effective products.
  • Past - Mental disorders have led from this stuff that has permeated our society for a while, with figures like James Dean, River Phoenix, and others who’ve taken their life at a young age. Future - As the medical tech advances and we get truly anti-aging it could eliminate some of these disorders.
  • Past - The loss of life due to the pursuit of youth. Future - No need for these medical centers as the tech allows true youth throughout our life.
  • Past - The snake oil salesman is not a new thing, everyone wants to make a quick buck and there is no better way than eternal youth. Future - Science can bring us a solution that could eliminate this issue and these home remedies.
  • Past - Sexy sells, it’s how cigarettes marketed their products to an entire generation, all the kids were smoking. Future - If everyone is youthful that can’t be leveraged.

12. For each of the 6 impacts, give a second alternative possible future impact on society.

  • Only the rich can afford to be “forever” youthful building a class system based on wrinkles, lol.
  • The makeup industry thrives as it is no longer needed to conceal and used mainly for aesthetic (I know that's what it is now built think BIG AND FANCY)
  • A whole new spawn of mental disorders creeps up that we can’t even fathom right now.
  • The surgery market thrives but through abstract body modification, like scales and stuff.
  • These shifts focus and develop a whole new social following around actually growing old and looking your age.
  • As a society, we shift from this type of advertising to a more intelligent approach to marketing that isn't based on looks.


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