The Transcendent Robot!
1) Do you think we will find intelligent life in the universe? Why or why not?
- I'm a pretty glass-half guy when it comes to this topic, I fall in the camp of “if it's just us that’s a pretty big waste of space. I think as our technology advances and we answer more questions about the universe we live in we will eventually find another life that we qualify as intelligent. I think we need to expand on our definition of intelligence.
2) Suppose you had a coupon for a free robot. The catch is it can only do one thing. But you can get a robot that will do whatever one thing you like, just not anything else. What would you want your robot to do, and why?
- My robot of choice would be the Laundry-Bot 3000. If I could get a robot to do my laundry I would be a happy man. I can do all the other household chores no problem but that one I could definitely use a robot for.
3) Imagine a robotic future. Would it be possible in such a future for labor to be free? For example, suppose there was a law prohibiting anyone from being paid to do work. Could the human race survive in the face of such a law?
- I would think in a future where robots take over the majority of the jobs the human would have the availability to take on projects/work they feel would provide them enrichment/fulfillment. In this scenario where people shift their purpose of work from survival to growth, I think we would thrive not fail. Humans can adapt and take on the work that is interesting without the stress of providing for themselves and their families. I assume this would be like a “Star Trek” future where everyone has their basic need provided.
4) Comment on the movie Transcendent Man. What do you agree with, disagree with, what do you look forward to, are apprehensive about, etc?
- I think Ray Kurtswall is an incredibly intelligent man with a very optimistic view of the future. I think he is correct and our lifespan will continue to increase as medical technology advances but the amount of supplements he is taking seems to be to provide him with peace of mind more than actual results. I also think his date for when mankind will transcend and reach the singularity is very optimistic, although we might get there eventually.
5) Create at least half of a first draft, or whatever is appropriate, of your presentation. (This is in contrast to your paper or other project.) For example, you could create some slides. If this requirement does not fit your situation, do something else equivalent, and explain what you did.
- My project is a presentation so the meat and potatoes are a demonstration, I've included my slides to this point but am still working on the actual program.
- Presentation (Work in Progress)
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