What a Spoil Sport!

1) Find videos on youtube or elsewhere about each of the various spoil sports. On your blog, give (a) the web addresses of the videos, (b) your commentary on them, and (c) how good they are. Seven videos (or more).

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2) Discuss how each of the "spoil sports of prediction" applies or does not apply to your project topic.

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3) Take a favorite topic (your project topic is a good one). Discuss where it may be in 5 years, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 1,000, 10,000, and millions of years.

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4) Read Vernor Vinge's "Technological Singularity." Critique and comment. What do you think of the singularity concept? What do you think of Ray Kurzweil's views on the singularity? What do you think of Ray Kurzweil the person? (We'll discuss Kurzweil in due course.)

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5) a. Write up 250 words or more of your final report (if a paper), or do the equivalent amount of work and explain specifically what you did it is not a paper.

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6) Provide an outline for your presentation.


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