
Showing posts from March, 2020


TRIZ-TASTIC 1) How can TRIZ help me improve my AI? I'm going to run my "Deep Thought" 42 AI through TRIZ to find out. A - The Improvements: Adaptability or Versatility Conflict - Device Complexity Solution - Dynamics. Make the process more adaptive/flexible. This should be inherited to AI but programming something to not be rigid can be difficult.  Ease of Operation Conflict - Loss of Information Solution - Preliminary Action. Make sure that my truth files and everything is in order and working. Adjust the information as needed.  Device Complexity Conflict - Extent of Automation Solution - Dynamics. Adjust the code so it functions as expected while allowing it to still sort by way of AI and machine learning. B - Branching There are many ways an AI can branch, we are starting to see in our everyday lives already. We have AI for vehicle automation, assistants, directions, and marketing, this is just the tip of the iceberg. AI has the pote...


Future? What Future!? 1: Cones of Uncertainty I'm going to look at the cones of uncertainty through the lens of my project. What is the future of artificial intelligence(AI)/machine learning(ML) in a year? Present: AI used for marketing, digital assistants, market prediction, game NPC, and autonomous vehicles. Constraints: Pandemics Social Distancing Processing Power Data Sets/Truth Files Need Laws 1 Year Predictions: Autonomous Military Drones More Autonomous Vehicles Better/Intrusive AI for Digital Assistants Larger Data Set for Market Predictions Disease Predictions and Diagnosis Drone Delivery 2: Where's my project at: Summary: I've built a base project structure and made my initial commit to Githuib . I've also built out a Trello board to track my progress and structure my project sprints. Both of those links are listed below as well. You can find my Github repo here. Follow along with my project here.


1) What is Smrt (Spelled Correctly) The big "thing" in tech right now is machine learning(ml), i.e. artificial intelligence(ai), but what is it really and how will my simple project tap into that and show the potential of this tech? First and foremost my simple ml program will not go on to enslave the human population or even help it through it's simple day to day problems. What my project will do is demonstrate the base fundamental programing that is involved in some of these programs. What am I building? How Long will it take? What if I don't get it completed? These are the question inquiring minds want to know. Overall my program will be a simple sorting ai. At this point, I'm not sure what it will be sorting yet, most likely images. Another option I've been thinking through is statistical analysis and prediction but I'm not sure if I have the time to write and debug something like that for this class. Either way in the in you should be able to fe...